1. Any chance of translation for us not so able to translate from pdf

  2. My great grandfather lived in house # 45 when he was born Gabriel Paluch 1862
    His wife lived in house #29 when she was born in 1866 Magdalena Rozalia Ksiazyk
    I can not read the blog because I do not speak polish and It would take me a long time to learn. Any chance of getting something translated?
    The type of pdf keeps me from using translation software.
    My grandmother was 7 years old when her family emigrated from Boryczowka to Canada in 1908 She was born in house #132 Waleria Paluch
    There they joined a number of her mothers relatives that had already emigrated.

  3. Hi
    I am a memmber of an Organisation dedicated to the history of Boryczówka, if you want to know better the stories of people that I am writing about, go to my website. My main website has an english translation, you just need to go to this link: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pl&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fmularczyk-rodzice.jimdo.com%2F

    Here you will find, for egzample, a story of all of the families that have migrated from Boryczówka, also the Paluch and Książek families: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pl&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fmularczyk-rodzice.jimdo.com%2F

    Just used those links to open sites.

    Hope you will find your answers that you are looking for
    Best regards

  4. Czy ktoś z Państwa kojarzy rodzinę Mróz z Boryczówki, pod którym nr domu mieszkali? Wojciech i Rozalia oraz ich córka Maria przyjechali w `45 r. do Świebodzina.

  5. Thanks I visited the first of your pages and we have some of the same relatives. Different siblings from same parents. Here are MULARCZYKand Badowska as well as Rogowski, Ksiazyk and others. My great great grandmother was Maria Golecka I am in the process of doing her family tree. Just to the earliest metric books that are available. Sheer parents were Eliasz and Eva and his was Sebastian and his second wife. She married Bartholomeij Ksiazyk. My great grandmother was the second oldest in her family. My grandmother was also born in Boryczówka
    The pictures with the map of the village do you have a year that they depict. I have some people in the family who changed houses quite a bit and others that stayed in the same house until they were older. Thanks for answering my post. I appreciate it.

    Dzięki, odwiedziłem pierwszą z twoich stron i mamy kilku tych samych krewnych. Różne rodzeństwo od tych samych rodziców. Oto MULARCZYKand Badowska oraz Rogowski, Książyk i inni. Moja praprababka była Maria Golecka Jestem w trakcie robienia jej drzewa genealogicznego. Tylko do najwcześniejszych dostępnych książek metrycznych. Czystymi rodzicami byli Eliasz i Eva, a jego był Sebastian i jego druga żona. Wyszła za mąż za Bartłomieja Książę. Moja prababka była drugą najstarszą w swojej rodzinie. Moja babcia również urodziła się w Boryczówce
    Zdjęcia z mapą wioski mają rok, który przedstawiają. Mam kilku członków rodziny, którzy zmienili domy i innych, którzy pozostali w tym samym domu, dopóki nie byli starsi. Dziękuję za odpowiedź na mój post. Doceniam to.

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